Mittwoch, 24. September 2014

Hagelblass, Stubblerud, Whispanaut

"Chuck: I knew you'd come back.
Roxy Harvey: I have to give you a ticket.
Chuck: Thank you. I wrote you something, too.
[takes out a wrinkled paper]
Chuck: I realized that when you did the thing that you did, that there were no words in the English language to describe it, so I came up with some words that would help other people understand. Hagelblass: the argument with God. That's what happened between you and me. Stubblerud: the moment in the Hagelblass when there's no turning back. That's when the human need to be taught a lesson.
Roxy Harvey: Hold on, sir.
Chuck: No, don't call me sir. Don't call me sir. I am nothing but a Whispanaut, an unworthy one in your presence.
Roxy Harvey: [shocked] Jesus...
Chuck: Are you Jesus?
Roxy Harvey: No, I'm not Jesus! What's your name, anyway?
Chuck: Before the Hagelblass... uh, call me Chuck.
Roxy Harvey: Okay, Chuck. I think what happened to you before was something you imagined. Maybe you had a stroke or something.
Chuck: When you separated my soul from my body...
Roxy Harvey: That didn't happen.
Chuck: - you cured me of all my anger. In one moment, you gave me all the answers.
Roxy Harvey: Nothing happened.
Chuck: *Everything* happened!"

Serie: Dead Like Me

Roxy: Polizistin

Chuck: Falschparker und fanatisch veranlagt

Szene: Zweite Zusammenkunft der beiden

Erste Zusammenkunft: Roxy gibt Chuck einen Strafzettel, er ist ein Depp und widersetzt sich ihr, ein großer Streit bricht aus, Roxy ist (wie alle Hauptcharaktere der Serie) Seelensammler, setzt ihre Fähigkeiten in dem Moment unbefugt ein und entfernt Chucks Seele aus seinem Körper

Nachwirkungen der ersten Zusammenkunft bei Chuck: er bastelt sich eine Religion zusammen, um das Geschehene erklärbar zu machen und erfindet Neologismen wie Hagelblass

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